News / TAP
Wall of Sheep releases a low cost 48 Port Gigabit LAN TAP at DEF CON!!!
For nearly 20 years we have been sniffing traffic at conferences using 10/100 Ethernet HUBs. Although using a HUB is one of the easiest fastest setups you can do, this method has slowly become obsolete.
While 10/100MB shared was great back in the day, it’s considered extremely slow by today’s standards.
Frankly, as our fleet of HUBS started aging, we started experiencing more and more failures (port outages, loud/dead fans, more than normal slowness, etc.) Trying to replace the hubs was getting harder and harder and fleet age wasn’t the only problem we were experiencing. People would spew traffic back into the HUB tainting the data everyone was trying to capture. And… depending on the venue no names (DEF CON), we would have people intentionally saturate the HUB or attack others on the HUB intended for network forensics.
We knew we had to do something, the ideal alternative to using network HUBS is using a network TAP. This would also solve all the other issues mentioned above with just one catch. High port count Gigabit Network TAP technologies are freaking expensive!!! We didn't have 15-20 thousand dollars per device laying around.
So we looked into seeing if one of the manufactures would give us a discount or possibly sponsor our projects. When this didn’t pan out, we had this crazy idea…
Was it was possible to make our own?
Well, the answer is YES! We are proud to announce after several years of development and testing, we have released our first 48 Port high speed network device intended for network forensics that won’t require a luxury car loan to buy.
While it sounds insane, we are releasing the CTP410052T for the low cost of $2500.00 so labs everywhere can finally actually afford to upgrade!
If you’re interested and didn’t get a chance to swing by the Packet Hacking Village at DEF CON this year to see one in action check it out here: